15 Life-Changing Books You Must Read in 2022

15 Books to Read in 2022 - 2022 Reading List

Reading can open our minds, challenge our thoughts, and teach us things we never could have imagined. Today, we’re sharing 15 life-changing books you NEED to read in 2022 that span across productivity, spirituality, mindset, and personal finances, so sit back and get ready to indulge as we share a short summary of these transformative books. 

15 Life Changing Books to Read in 2022

Productivity Books to Read in 2022

First on our list is the all-time classic for self improvement lovers, and that is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. This is one of those books, that even if you’ve read it before, it is SO worth it to read again and again because there is just so much valuable information to absorb and learn from this book. The 7 Habits basically sets the foundation for what it takes to achieve success by working from inside out. Stephen Covey outlines the 7 fundamental habits to help you build a toolkit to become an effective and productive person both individually, and as you build relationships with other people.   

Next on our list is The One Thing, by Gary Keller and William Papasan. How many times have you caught yourself trying to do so many things at once, only to be spread too thin, thus producing a mediocre result across it all? In this book, the authors explain how in order to get the results we want in life, we need to narrow our focus, and concentrate on one initiative at a time. They debunk theories of multi-tasking and explain how with the domino effect, one single result can multiply across all areas in your life. Focus on ONE thing to start, and other things will sequentially get better over time. This book will help you get that tunnel vision on what’s truly the most important thing in your life.

Spirituality Books to Read in 2022

Next on the list, we’ve got The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. If you want to be pushed outside your normal way of thinking – this book is for you. The Untethered Soul is a short but detailed read on how we as humans need to understand that our thoughts are not who we are. The book takes you on a journey of deep inward reflection to help define the soul, our energy, our thoughts, and the human mind. The goal is to help you feel peace, equip yourself to overcome obstacles and challenges in life, and awake to another level of consciousness. It’s about untethering yourself from the layers of the human mind and reaching a state of peace that’s sustainable as life goes on.

Next up, we’ve got The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. Practicing and learning more about stoicism is without a doubt becoming more mainstream, especially in recent years. The ancient philosophy, made popular by Stoics like Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus, encourages the yearning for practical wisdom in life. The Daily Stoic is comprised of daily passages and meditations that are written by well known Stoic philosophers, and then translated to modern day language. There are themes to focus on and think about as you practice your daily meditation, and this book serves as a helpful guide for anyone looking to learn more or implement the Stoic way of life.


The next book on the list is Think Like a Monk, by Jay Shetty. In this must-read, Jay chronicles his time spent as a monk, and brings forward key lessons for the everyday person to achieve a state of peace, fulfillment, and purpose in life. He covers transformative ideas like the monkey mind versus the monk mind, and very clearly articulates how to manage your mindset. He demonstrates how with tactical practices like meditation, you can bring the best of you forward in relationships, in your work, and ultimately on your journey to find what brings you purpose in life. The book has great visual diagrams and is a complete page-turner, and one you’ll definitely learn a lot from.  

Self Improvement & Mindset Books to Read in 2022

Next up, we’ve got The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest. If you have struggled with self sabotage, whether consciously or unconsciously, this book will help you first of all, become AWARE of how you are self sabotaging, and then get deep into the roots of why. Brianna provides a thorough explanation of how we can work through this. She goes deep into our way of thinking, the inner child within us, and the importance for change in order to live our best lives. She calls this turning self sabotage into self mastery, and helps open your eyes to complex, unaddressed feelings within. It’s a book that you’ll feel lighter after reading, feeling like you just went to a therapy session.  

The next book on our list is The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Though this book is quite hefty being over 500 pages long – you can call it a complete handbook on everything that has to do with achieving your goals and going after what you want in life. Jack Canfield, who co-founded the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, shares his story, but also his methodologies and tactics he practiced to get to where he is today. From vision boards, to manifesting to developing strong, meaningful, relationships, this book has a ton of value end-to-end, and covers every topic under the sun when it comes to self improvement.

Next on the list, we have Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi. Whether your goal is to be a millionaire or not, this book very concisely articulates what it actually takes to push yourself to the next level in life. Though the book is referencing habits of a millionaire, these habits can be applied to any facet in your life. He covers mindset, confidence, and productivity hacks to help you not only become comfortable in your own skin, but evolve into a higher level version of yourself. He also shares productivity hacks on scheduling and time management that can go a long way in your everyday life.

Next up, we have Can’t Hurt Me, by David Goggins. If you’re not familiar with David Goggins, he is best known for his work as a Navy SEAL who went on to become an ultra marathon runner, and triathlete, enduring some of the toughest conditions and physical endeavours that seem humanly impossible. In this book he shares his life story, and how he transformed into the person he is today. He uses the term “callousing your mind” as a reference to become mentally stronger. This book shares a remarkable journey of one persons’ determination, drive and mental toughness to push past boundaries, overcome any obstacles and feats, and to ultimately train the mind to become tougher than the body, or anything that’s getting in your way. 

Next on the list, we have another oldie but a classic, and that is The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. This book amassed a cult following very quickly following its release, and that’s because of the calm, meditative, and next level of zen people started experiencing as a result of implementing the tactics in this book. This book may seem like a how-to-guide on decluttering and simplifying your life, but it’s much more than that. The practices encourage intention, connection, and relation to your belongings and the space around you. It helps bring to light the energy our space gives us, and how our environment is often a reflection of our feelings, thoughts, and mindset. 

Business & Personal Finance Books to Read in 2022

First up, we’ve got Unshakeable by Tony Robbins. If you have been wanting to learn more about investing, growing your wealth, and understanding how to achieve true financial freedom, this book breaks it down step by step. The book gets very detailed and is very explanatory, so take this book slow to soak in all the value it provides. He covers important information around financial advice, hidden fees, types of accounts, and investment vehicles. It’s a great one-stop shop to learn about the basics of personal investing and managing your money.  

Next up, we have Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, written by Ashlee Vance. If you like reading biographies about interesting people, then this is definitely one you’ll want to read. This book shares the life of Elon Musk: his childhood, his schooling years, and how he went on to found multiple successful companies. The biography was written based on hours of interviews with Elon Musk, so the author also covers details like his way of thinking, how he makes decisions, and how he has overcome some of his most difficult obstacles on his journey. Whether you’re a Musk fan or not, there’s a lot to learn and absorb from his story and mission. 

Next up is the all-time classic, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Though this book might feel dry at times since it is a bit dated, the lessons hold through and strong. This is another book on money mindset, and how if you really want something, you can achieve it. Napoleon Hill covers key lessons on our thoughts, desire, knowledge, decision, persistence and more, to help organize the mind to focus on what you’re trying to achieve monetarily. This book is based on his learnings from thorough research he conducted across several millionaires, and is well recognized as one of the most impactful self help books on wealth 

Next on the list, we have You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. Consider this the next step of Jen’s original book “You Are a Badass”, where this book goes right into money mindset. Jen explains how in order to make more money, we need to change our relationship with money. She describes how the way we’ve been conditioned to think, act, and feel towards money ultimately impacts our bottom line – literally. She shares tactics and techniques to help you go from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. This book will help you garner a positive relationship with money, and be more intentional with your wealth mindset.  

Last but not least, we have the book Zero to One written by Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is the co-founder of PayPal, the first outside investor of Facebook and has started several successful companies. This book is a compilation of some of his key lessons taught at a class at Stanford, and explains how in entrepreneurship and innovation, we should have a vision to go from 0 to 1, rather than 1 to 2. 0 to 1 is the concept of net new creation, not just innovation. He describes how when a company is so unique, competition is not a factor, and monopolies simply make sense. The book pushes anyone aspiring to be an entrepreneur to push the boundaries, think differently, and create massive value in the world.  

What other books are you going to read in 2022? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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