8 Ways to End the Year Off Right

how to end the year off right

With the new year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to take the right steps and end the year off right. 

From tying up those new year’s resolutions to doing a total declutter we’re chatting through 8 ways to end the year off strong, so you can roll into the new year already feeling on top of your game. 

How to end the year off right


It’s that time of year when we start feeling like we should just put things off to next year, maybe get through the holidays and start fresh afterwards. And of course, it is so important to enjoy this season, make the most of the holidays and have fun, but that doesn’t mean you have to write off the rest of the year entirely. You can enjoy the holidays and start setting yourself up for a great new year ahead. You can do both.

So, let’s talk through 8 things we can do to end the year off right. 

1. Don’t give up on this year’s goals just yet

Statistics show that about 80% of New Year’s resolutions get dropped by February. If you were in this boat this year, don’t give up just yet. 

Before you decide to scrap those new year’s resolutions you set, remember that you still have a ton of time to keep working on them.

Goals don’t need to be bound to a specific year. If you haven’t achieved something you wanted to do yet, instead of putting it on hold for another 2 to 3 months, waiting to start fresh, start working on those goals now. Better late, then never.

Even if you get 1% better in these last few months of the year, you’re already going into the new year with some improvement.

As Elon Musk famously quoted, “if you give yourself 30 days to clean your home, it will take you 30 days. But if you give yourself 3 hours, it will take you 3 hours. The same applies to your goals, ambitions, and plans.”

You will be so surprised at how much you can accomplish in less than 50 days. 

Revisit those New Year’s goals and start working on them now if they’ve been on the back burner. Start building habits that you can bring with you into the new year. 

2. Reflect on the previous year before you end the year off

“Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards,” (Søren Kierkegaard) which is why it’s so important to take some time reflecting on the previous year before the new year starts.

Give yourself time to stop and think about what all went down this year. Write down your biggest accomplishments, what you’re most proud of doing, your favorite memories and moments. Take time to appreciate yourself and all the things you’ve done this year.

And at the same time ask yourself what things didn’t work and why? What do you want to be doing differently next year?

We need to take a step back from our everyday lives to just pause and think. Life happens very quickly and when we don’t intentionally take the time to reflect, we’re not really giving ourselves the opportunity to assess if we’re headed in the direction we want to be going or if we’re just caught in the motions of life.

Give yourself credit, reflect on what things worked and didn’t, and carry those observations with you into the new year.

3. Start thinking about next year’s goals

You don’t need to wait until January 1st to start setting goals or thinking about what you want next year to look like.

Following your reflection you’ll likely discover areas in your life you want to do better in next year.

Get very specific and clear on what you want next year to be for you. Write your goals out, start having a rough idea of big things you want to do next year. Places you want to go, people you want to see. It’s never too early to start thinking about your goals for next year.

4. Start your exercise regimen now

If you’ve been wanting to invest more time and energy into your health and well-being, now is the perfect time to start. 

Find simple and sustainable ways you could start a new health regimen now. Sometimes we put this off until the new year because we feel it’s redundant. We anticipate the holidays are just going to throw our healthy habits off anyways, so is there really a point? Well the key is to try to develop habits that you can carry through even during the busy holiday season.

Maybe that’s spending just 20 minutes everyday going for a walk. This doesn’t take a lot of time but can really positively impact your physical health and mobility.

Don’t wait until January 1st to start or improve your exercise regimen. That way, by the time January 1st rolls around you’ll already be ahead of the curve.

5. Review your finances

Before you close the year out, take some time to review your finances. Ensure everything is organized and that you have a clear understanding of where your money is going.

Spend these last few months re-focusing your finances. Cancel any subscriptions you don’t really use, set budgets for the new year, set some new financial goals.

Get very clear on your spending and financial plans before you head into the new year.

6. Declutter

Clutter can affect our anxiety levels, our ability to focus, and our attentions spans, so it’s always beneficial to have a little less clutter in our lives. Clearing out your space and getting rid of unused items around the house is a great way to ring in the new year. 

Do a purge, empty out your closet, donate clothes, clear out the kitchen fridge, etc.

Spend some time clearing out different areas in your home before the year ends and you’ll feel so much lighter heading into the new year.

7. Book appointments to end the year off right

Close out the year by getting those important appointments in your calendar.

Doctor’s appointments, hair appointments, massages – anything that has been on your to do list for a while.

Start booking and securing a spot in your calendar for the odds and ends of appointments. That way the time is reserved, and you just have to show up when that time comes around.

8. Reach out to friends and family

Last but not least, connect with someone you’ve been meaning to see or visit. If you can’t meet up in person — have a FaceTime call, connect virtually.

‘Tis the season for family and friends, and if someone has been on your mind lately, make the effort to hang out with them. Life is very precious and you never know when the last time you’ll get to see or talk to someone is, so reach out to friends and family and have those meaningful and memorable moments. 

Make the most of the holidays to re-connect, get back in touch, and just catch up with people that are important to you.

Read more: 

Stay connected!

how to end the year off right


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