5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together

Sometimes you just need to get your shit together. But it can be harrrrd. Ever have those weeks where you feel like a complete mess? You’ve got a ton of things to do, your list keeps growing by the day, you get overwhelmed, shut down, and end up doing nothing but crashing on the couch and having a Gossip Girl marathon (aka avoid adulting by pretending you’re in high school again).

We’ve all been there. Every now and then it happens to the best of us (all us hardcore productive betches included). So when it comes to getting you off the couch and back on track, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for 5 simple ways on how you can get your shit together, and soon you’ll be saying xoxo, got-my-shit-together, girl. 

1. Make a list

First things first, what exactly do you need to get together? Working out? Eating healthy and exercising? Cleaning your messy ass apartment? Maybe it’s all plus more. Hash it out in a list and get it all out there. Let’s call this, your GYST LIST. Where GYST, equals Get-Your-Shit-Together.

2. Organize your list

Maybe you’ve got 6 things and maybe you’ve got 20. Whatever you’ve got on there, start organizing it into categories. For example, maybe your list looks like this:

  • Do a face mask
  • Get my taxes done
  • Clean my closet
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Cook
  • Go to the gym
  • Do a hair mask
  • Start looking for new places
  • Apply for new jobs

Group together things that fit together (i.e. doing a face mask and a hair mask; or going grocery shopping and going to the gym).

3. Prioritize that ish

What things need to get done ASAP? Some things may not be as urgent, if that’s the case, try making a Tier 2 list. Meaning, include it in your planning, but make note to yourself that if you don’t get to it right away it’s not a game changer.

What’s considered urgent, you ask? Obvious things with deadlines – i.e. filing your taxes, applying for jobs, etc. are of course urgent. But, anything that is going to impact your well-being is just as urgent. Putting off exercising, avoiding healthy meal prep, etc. are not the way to prioritize. You’ve gotta always prioritize your health and well-being, so these kind of things are always #1. (Face masks included! Gotta take care of that derm, girl!)

An example of something that might be lower on the priority list? Looking for new apartments if your plan isn’t to move for another 6 months down the road.

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4. Plan

Based on your list – what takes the most time and what takes the least time? What can you squeeze into your regular day-to-day, and what do you legitimately need to carve time out for and schedule? Some things might be quick hits that you can get done in less than an hour. Other things may take a full day. For the quick hits, try to tackle them 2-in-1. Have to do some meal prep? Throw on a hair and face mask and start cooking. For more time-consuming tasks, pick a GYST day for getting all your errands done and tackle it back-to–back (FYI – Sunday’s are pretty dope days to choose).

5. Put the distractions aside

Time to put that phone away. No scrolling down your feed, no swiping left or right – no social media. It’s so easy to lose a couple of hours on your phone (hours that you could use to get some of that major stuff done). So put the phone and any other distractions away, and get it going! Blast some music and get that shit done. You’ll feel SO much better once you do.

BTW – want to really master your time? Then you have to check out our video on the 1-minute productivity rule!


5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together
5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together
5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together
5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together

5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together

5 Simple Ways to Get Your Shit Together
how to get your shit together
how to get your shit together
how to get your shit together
how to get your shit together


  1. November 17, 2019 / 5:56 am

    I try to make a new to do list every week, definitely helped me.

    • November 19, 2019 / 6:08 am

      A to do list goes a long way! Thanks for sharing, Vee!

  2. November 22, 2019 / 6:12 pm

    Really helpful tips! I find that if certain things on my list have been hanging around a long time and not getting done, they’re most likely “should do’s” and are better taken off the list. It’s empowering to get things done and this process helps to get me clear on what’s really important!

    • January 2, 2020 / 9:29 pm

      Thanks Dee Dee! Completely agree there’s a sense of empowerment when you get things done… especially if it’s been lingering on your to-do list for far too long!

  3. November 26, 2019 / 10:32 pm

    This is a good list of ways to get it together. Some days I feel like I can’t get anything done. Thanks for the advice!

    • January 2, 2020 / 9:27 pm

      No problem Shannon – so glad you found it helpful! πŸ™‚ Good luck!

  4. December 30, 2019 / 9:28 pm

    Have you heard of the Pomodoro Method? It accompanies a GYST List BEAUTIFULLY!

    • January 2, 2020 / 9:20 pm

      Hey Annie! Thanks for sharing – that’s a great point! Love the concept of setting a timer and getting whatever done you can in that window. It’s helps you understand how long it actually takes to complete a task, as well!

  5. Anonymous
    April 14, 2020 / 2:36 pm

    Very. helpful. ! Helps a lot for the rest of the week cause you look at the accomplishments and they inspire you to keep going… esp. Finding things you didn’t know you had!! The πŸ€—β€πŸ‘

    • April 15, 2020 / 5:40 pm

      For sure!! So glad you found it helpful! πŸ™‚

  6. May 6, 2020 / 7:22 am

    Some of the times I feel scattered all over the place, the major reason I feel that way is Cos of my prolonged use of social media. So what I do is I delete all social media’s from my fone. And figure things out and get back on set. Thanks for this info btw, still very very helpful. πŸ‘πŸΎ

    • June 13, 2020 / 12:04 pm

      Hey Newton, totally agree! Social media can be super distracting. Great tip to delete it until you reset yourself!

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