21 Morning Routine Ideas: How To Stay Motivated and Hit Your Daily Goals Like A Pro

21 morning routine ideas morning motivation

Morning routine ideas to jumpstart your day.

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We all know how hard it can be to stay motivated and productive during the week. Even on our best days, it’s easy for us to get sidetracked or miss important tasks. 

If you can relate, then starting your day with an effective morning routine might be the answer. Following a consistent morning routine can set you up for success, helping you hit your daily goals like a champ.

Today, we’re introducing 21 mindful morning routine ideas that will help kickstart the mornings and lead to a productive day. Whether you’re a working professional or a student – these are morning routine ideas for adults or students. 

21 Morning Routine Ideas for Productivity

There have been a wealth of studies that have discovered how routines and habits can send your productivity sky-high.

Developing a morning routine can help any go-getter prioritize their time, focus on their goals, and ground themselves before the day begins.

Even if you’re only able to dedicate 10-15 minutes for a morning routine at first, that’s an excellent start! As you notice the progress of consistently following a morning routine, you’ll also notice the positive impact on your overall well-being and productivity throughout your busy days.

So let’s chat about some of our super motivating morning routine ideas to help you stay energized! 

1. Meditate 

According to academic gurus at Harvard, meditation has the power to actively change the structure of your brain.

Set aside time for meditation or prayer to clear your mind for the day ahead. 

Just spending a few minutes detached, breathing deep, and letting go – can help set your day off to a positive start. 

If you’re new to meditation, here’s a quick guide to getting started for beginners.

2. Start the day with a healthy breakfast 

A healthy breakfast can help power up your body and mind. Fueling yourself with the right nutrients first thing in the morning can give you lasting energy throughout the day.

Find the optimal eating times best suited for your body so you can avoid feeling sluggish and unproductive later on. 

High protein foods (like eggs) and complex carbs full of fibre (like oatmeal) can help boost your energy according to WebMD.

Taking the time to sit down and eat something nutritious will help fuel your body and give you the energy you need to power through that daily to-do list.

3. Take some time to read something inspiring 

Motivational quotes or stories can set the tone for your day. Instead of grabbing your phone and mindlessly scrolling through social media first thing in the morning, intentionally choose what content you consume. Read a few pages of a book. Browse a personal growth blog. Flip through an art magazine. If you are going on social media – check out content from inspiring and educational accounts. 

Reading something uplifting can get you in a positive frame of mind to tackle whatever comes at you during the day. 

4. Get some exercise 

Morning exercise is a great way to activate your body after a long night’s rest. 

The key is, not to get overwhelmed by the thought of exercising in the morning. This morning routine idea isn’t about being as intense as possible first thing in the morning. Whether it’s practicing some yoga poses at home, or taking a short walk around the block, moving your body first thing will help you stay energized throughout the day.

5. Plan your day 

Take a few minutes to plan your day. What are your daily tasks? What meals are you going to eat? What’s on your schedule? Timeblocking your day and setting clear intentions can help you tackle the day with your priorities top of mind. 

Download our free timeblocking daily template planner here.

6. Journal

Journaling can help you filter through your thoughts and feelings. Practicing a journaling routine first thing in the morning is a great way to clear your mind before the day begins. Whether it’s journaling about the dream you just woke up from, or doing some internal work through Morning Pages, journaling is a great morning routine idea for anyone who is seeking a grounded start to the day.

If you’re unsure what to journal about, you can check out our Daily Discovery Journal on Amazon. This journal features 365 unique daily journal prompts for every single day of the year. Focused on personal growth and self-discovery, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and the journaling process through this journal. 


7. Write down 3 things that you are grateful for 

Being thankful will help set a positive tone for your day. Practicing gratitude can help you feel more positive emotions, and is strongly linked to feelings of happiness and building stronger relationships.

Take 5 minutes out of your day to appreciate the great things in your life – big or small.

8. Make your bed each morning

Though it may seem trivial – there’s no denying that having a tidy space to come back to after a long day, can make all the difference in feeling relaxed.

Making your bed as soon as you wake up also creates a sense of accomplishment, helping to set a motivated tone for the day.

9. Schedule time for yourself 

Take a few minutes out of your morning to do something you truly love. Whether that’s working on a passion project, connecting with a loved one, or practicing the new language you’re learning, take some time for you. 

It’s just a matter of time before the world starts pulling you in different directions – so make sure you put yourself first. 

10. Stay organized 

Maybe that’s doing a quick clean-up for 10 minutes, or washing the dishes in the sink before you head out – keeping your physical environment tidy and organized is a great way to find calm in the chaos.

Whether that’s putting the dirty clothes in the hamper instead of the floor or just wiping down the bathroom counter – finding small, 1 minute ways to stay organized goes a long way. 

11. Hydrate

Some studies have shown that drinking water before breakfast reduced calorie intake at the next meal by an entire 13% along with a raft of other benefits. 

Make sure you drink plenty of water in the morning so you stay hydrated and energized throughout the day. Pro tip: get that water in before the caffeine. Your body is dehydrated after a long night’s sleep – be sure to give it that H2O it’s craving!

12. Set a goal for the day 

Make it a habit to create an achievable goal each morning before you begin the day. That can be as simple as “I will give the world my best energy today” or “I will eat healthy today”.

Don’t overwhelm yourself in creating this goal – keep it simple and easy to remember.

This will help motivate you throughout your day and give you a sense of purpose. 

13. Get dressed 

Even if you’re working from home, getting up, showering, and dressing as you would in an office environment can help create a vibe for the day to keep you productive. Having this sense of “getting ready” even when you’re at home can also help create boundaries between your personal life and professional life.

14. Take your supplements

Not everyone needs supplements – as with a healthy and balanced diet, we should technically be getting the nutrients we need. But if you are someone that has been trying to take supplements consistently, making this part of your morning routine is a good way to follow suit daily. 

15. Get your veggies in

Alongside your healthy breakfast, getting an adequate serving of veggies first thing in the morning is a great way to kickstart your healthy diet for the day. Blend up a smoothie with your favorite veggies (and fruits) to get those micronutrients in.

16. Watch the sunrise

One of the most underrated morning routine ideas out there, but definitely one of the best: watch the sunrise! If you do wake up while it’s still dark out, taking a few minutes to watch the sunrise is a beautiful and peaceful way to start your day.

The sunrise is here and gone in just a matter of minutes, so capturing this magical moment in the morning is a great way to connect with nature and your spirit.

17. Create meaningful connections 

Use part of your morning routine to reach out to loved ones or check in with friends and family.

Respond to texts, send a few check-in voice notes, or FaceTime a loved one. Or, you can even schedule part of your morning activities to be with a loved one (ex. booking a morning workout class with a friend).

18. Laugh 

Start each morning with a laugh by watching a funny video, reading a lighthearted article, or simply recalling a happy memory from the past. 

Even if it’s just for five minutes, taking time out of each morning to do something that brings you joy is invaluable. 

19. Listen to music 

Listening to music can be incredibly calming and uplifting, helping you set the tone for the rest of your day. 

Put together a playlist of songs that make you feel energized and optimistic and listen while you get ready in the morning. 

Listen to the Good Vibes Morning Playlist by The Werk Life on Spotify.

20. Get creative 

Morning time is often one of the best times of the day to tap into your creative side and do something artistic – paint, write, draw, make music… you name it! 

You might be surprised at how productive and inspired this can make you feel in the long run. 

21. Spend some time outside 

If you have the opportunity to take a quick walk or just spend a few minutes outdoors in the morning, do it! That might even mean sipping your morning coffee on your patio.

Exposure to natural light can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and give you an uplifting mood boost for the day ahead. 

Conclusion: Morning routine ideas to jumpstart your day

Just remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to morning routines. Everyone has different needs, and different schedules — and what works for you may not work for others. 

It’s important to find a morning routine that suits your lifestyle and provides you with the most benefits. 

With these morning routine ideas for energy in mind, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find an effective morning routine that works best for you.

In just a matter of time, you’ll start each day feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to conquer whatever comes your way with confidence! 

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21 morning routine ideas for a productive day


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