9 Morning Habits That’ll Change Your Life

morning habits that'll change your life

Having a solid morning routine with positive morning habits is all it takes to completely transform your life. Our habits define who we become, as we consistently do the same thing day after day, building ourselves to where we eventually want to be.

These morning habits are simple yet effective, and by incorporating these into your daily routine, you’ll see massive changes in your life. 

Morning habits that’ll change your life in no time

1. Avoid your phone

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you”, a famous quote by self-help expert Jim Rohn. By looking at our phones first thing in the morning, we’re giving an external force the ability to influence and control our mindset as soon as we wake up.

Avoid looking at texts or social media immediately after you wake up. This has the ability to drain your energy before you’re even out of bed, putting you in an unbalanced mood as soon as you start your day.

Instead, protect your energy by going on airplane mode. Give yourself a few hours in the morning to wake up and set your daily tone before reacting to your phone.

2. Give yourself alone time

Give yourself a few minutes in the morning to be completely alone. Use this time to meditate and set intentions. Think about what you want your day to look like. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What’s the most important thing I need to do today?
  • What would the perfect day look like today?
  • What can I focus on today that will bring me closer to where I want to be a year from now?

Having alone time in the morning might be tough if you have kids or roommates, but try your best to carve out some time — even if that means you’re waking up 15 minutes earlier than normal. 

3. Read a book

If you’re looking to switch things up with these morning habits, try this: instead of reading the news in the morning, read a book instead.

It’s important to stay up to date on current events but sometimes you need to ease into it. Reading a chapter of a fiction book to get your imagination going, or reading a few paragraphs from your favorite self-help book to get your mind in the right place is a positive form of consumption.

If you don’t have much time, set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes and read just a few pages at the least. 

4. Listen to upbeat music

Music has the ability to improve your mood and reduce stress in just minutes. Listening to some upbeat music as you’re waking up is a great way to perk up your energy in the AM. 

Set some upbeat music as your alarm clock, or play some music as you’re brushing your teeth and getting ready. It’s such a good way to boost your energy levels and even get some groovin’ in!

5. Break a sweat

Take a walk in the hot sun, do a quick run, or start doing some jumping jacks on the spot. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, break a sweat in the morning. Release those endorphins and rid your body of some toxins with some much needed movement after a long night’s rest. 

HIIT, is an efficient way to get a quick workout in and your heartbeat up.

6. Write out 3 To-Do’s

Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and write out your top 3 to do’s for the day. Don’t make a long list of 10 or more items. Keep it simple, and ask yourself, what are the 3 things I ABSOLUTELY have to get done today? Consider these your non-negotiables.

Keep that list handy to remind yourself of your top priorities for the day. If you’ve got other things you need to do on your mind, put it in a backlog and do it once you’ve got your big 3 items complete. 

7. Eat breakfast

With intermittent fasting and all new sorts of eating regimens taking the world by storm, this may be controversial, but one of our top morning habits is to eat a healthy breakfast.

Don’t skip breakfast. It’s one of the most important meals of the day. The last time you had a meal was before bed, so you owe it to your body to fuel it with some delicious nutrients and whole foods.

Eat a clean and healthy breakfast to not only fuel yourself, but to encourage you to eat healthy for the rest of the day. This will keep you feeling alert and full, and help set the tone of healthy eating for the day.

Pro tip: Get your veggies in first thing in the morning with a smoothie.

8. Make your bed

Make your bed as soon as you get up. This provides you with a sense of accomplishment before your day has even begun.

It’s also important to take care of the space that you sleep and rest in. Making your bed allows you to crawl into a nicely done bed at the end of the long day. It takes less than 3 minutes to do and keeps your room looking tidy and clean, too. 

9. Have a morning routine

Last but not least of our transformation morning habits, is to create a morning routine. 

Build a morning routine that is custom to you, and your likings. That might include several of the habits on this list, and a few more of your own. Either way, how much time you want to spend for your morning routine and what you want to be doing is up to you.

The key is being consistent. This helps you build up to a larger transformation that’ll eventually change your life. Creating a morning routine with positive daily habits reminds you how you’ll be spending your morning everyday, and before you know it it’ll be a lifestyle!

morning habits that'll change your life - morning routine


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